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Clubs, Classes & Sports




14 October 2020

Newcomers Pack Update - More leaflets please!

A few weeks ago, Ruth Bufton offered to distribute flyers or advertisements for village clubs, classes, voluntary activities, as well as local commercial businesses.

These will be added to 'welcome Bags' which will be delivered to all Newcomers when they arrive to join our village community, and she originally requested at least 50 copies.

Well..., Ruth has now got the list of houses that have changed hands since last October and having assumed that sales were slow during Lockdown, was surprised to discover after consulting the estate agents and going on the land registry that there are many more sales! This could be due to the cut in stamp duty, or quite understandably people wanting to live in this idyllic village, - whatever the reason, there are more 'Newcomers' in the village than expected!

So, rather than 50 leaflets for Goodie bags, she would now like at least 120 please.

Ruth aims to continue making up and taking information bags to Newcomers as they move into the village so that they are welcomed as soon as they settle and they know about you as soon as possible. 

Ruth said; "I know this might be a challenge for you to provide even more information leaflets but please be assured none will be wasted. I do not want to keep sending out requests for leaflets too often. To get us to January I suggest you give me an additional 70 copies of your information. 

If you did not give me information for this first backlog of Newcomers Goodie bags then I would ask for 120 leaflets please. I will deliver this information even after the bags go out this time because I know some of you have not had time to give me any so far. Please be as quick as you can to give me the information as I will delay handing out the made up bags for another week."

We hope that a Newcomers welcome event will take place next year but until then the Goodie bags are a good alternative. Thank you to the businesses as well as the clubs and associations who have contributed to the Goodie bags so far. So please keep information coming if you are a new business or group. 

Please make sure Ruth knows of any changes in contact details for the booklet kept at the Parish Office and handed out to all Newcomers. 

Enjoy the free advertising!

To contact Ruth please call: 01590 641875 or click here to contact.
Leaflet deliveries to: 15 Hurst Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0PY (You can leave in the porch.)

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