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12 August 2020

Community Centre Limited Reopening Update

The Milford on Sea Community Centre has a dilemma; "To Open or Not To Open…..?"
Some would say “open in September” as that was one of the early Government Guidelines regarding Community Centres during the Covid19 months since March. 

The Trustees have been keeping up to date with all the Regulations and Guidelines over the past months and would really like to open the Centre, even for a few days a week. However, this will not be “back to normal” overnight as there is a limit on the number of people per size of room, how each room may be used and ensuring the premises are Covid safe. 

Having completed Risk Assessments, etc, and bought the necessary sanitising products and equipment, an offer has been made to a few of the regular exercise classes with the opportunity to trial a couple of classes in the main hall, free of charge, during August. Obviously, attendees would bring their own mats for floor work and the Centre will have someone monitoring the ease of use in such a situation and getting feedback from attendees and leaders. Indeed, the Guidance that came out last week was that face coverings must be used in indoor places, including Community Centres. However, they may be removed during exercise classes. If these trials go well the aim is to resume as much of a “new normal” diary of events and hiring from September, Covid19 and Government Guidelines permitting.

A trial movie is also being considered with more limited numbers than normal, given maximum allowed in the hall. Equally important is whether sufficient people, including volunteers, attend. 

Sadly, the cafĂ© and bar will still be closed as per current Guidelines. 

The Trustees hope the Community will support them in these extraordinary times and hope the “new normal” will not be too far away. 

Check the Community Centre new website for latest updates:

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