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02 May 2020

Donate your old tools for a new life

Tony Styles is the local Milford on Sea collector for the TWAM charity, and they would like any old tools or sewing equipment that you might have please.

Have you been clearing out your shed with all the spare time? If you have found any unwanted tools or a sewing machines they could be very useful to less fortunate people.

TWAM stands for 'Tools with a Mission' and it is a Christian charity enabling people to earn a living and support themselves and their families. 

In many countries people have few skills, little education and no means of earning a living. A switch from aid dependency to self-sufficiency is impossible without help. 

TWAM started over thirty years ago, and has since provided this help by collecting and refurbishing tools and equipment no longer required in the UK and sending them overseas. Through collectors and refurbishment centres across the UK, our team of dedicated volunteers and supporters help transform thousands of lives every year.

All TWAM collectors have stopped collecting while Government restrictions remain in place. But you can still contact your nearest collector to let them know you have some tools to donate and they will add you to their waiting list. 

The TWAM website contains a list of tools wanted, please click here.

Please do this if you can, as they will need to quickly resupply their centres when operations restart.

Your local collector is Tony Styles 01590 643109 or click here to email.

Last year TWAM sent 18 containers to Africa, containing around 24 tonnes of donated tools, comprising 15,000 items of equipment and tool kits. 

Empowering people with the tools that create livelihoods and transform lives.


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