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06 May 2020

Christian Aid Week

This year's Christian Aid Week (10th to 16th May 2020) the emphasis is on climate crisis and the disastrous effect it has on so many people and communities particularly in the third world. 

Christian Aid proposes a new deal for Climate Justice to be supported by the British government and all those in power by: 

1. Transferring its fair share of finance and technology to poorer countries. 

2. Curbing the over-consumption that’s driving climate breakdown. 

3. Stopping fossil fuel expansion and supporting renewable energy. 

4. Developing renewable energy without exploiting people or destroying the environment in the global South. 

5. Investing to decarbonise the UK economy in a way that also addresses economic and social inequalities in the UK. 

Besides promoting this initiative, CA continues to help individuals and communities to survive the effects of drought, flood etc. For instance Eastern Kenya has been without significant rain for over 400 days, people are starving, lives made incredibly harder and help is so desperately needed. 

If you want to help you can make a donation here or perhaps drop it into the collecting box in the Milford’s Village News newsagent thanks to Mark Cummings. 

For further information call Alec Luxon on 01590 719286 or email alecluxon@hotmail.com 

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