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05 August 2019

Where else can you build your own battleship?

Whilst the successful Cornwallis Remembered celebration were a month ago in the village, the the final month of the ‘Command of the Seas: the Navy and the New Forest against Napoleon’ at the St Barbe Museum and Art Gallery, Lymington.

The exhibition has caught the public imagination. Here are some of the comments received: 
  • “One of the very best exhibitions I’ve been to in the past 10 years - Cornwallis is as great a naval leader as Nelson (but sadly not as famous).” 
  • “Wow Cool!!” 
  • “Learnt lots! Why oak is used for ship-building, why seamen ate 5,000 calories a day, and why Cornwallis joined the navy aged 11!” 
  • “Amazed at the high standard of presentation. The National Gallery would be pleased to have such an exhibition.” 
  • “Where else can you build your own battleship?” 
  • “Fantastic exhibition which brings history alive. Worth a second and third visit.” 
Napoleon’s army is poised to invade England, only the Channel Fleet commanded by Admiral William Cornwallis opposes them. This unique exhibition shows the role played by the Navy and the New Forest during the French Wars from 1793-1815. 

Make sure you don’t miss this “brilliant exhibition” – ends 1st September. 

St Barbe Museum and Art Gallery 
New Street, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 9BH 
Tel: 01590 676969

Open Daily Mon-Sat 10am-5pm | Sun 10am-4pm 

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