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10 June 2017

Vote for our village businesses in Muddy Stilettos Awards

Four of our village businesses have been shortlisted as finalists in the The Muddy Stiletto Awards, and your vote can help them to win.

No64 Biscuit House are in the best interiors shop category - www.No64.co.uk 

Sam's Bar at The Cave
 are in shortlist of five for best bar - www.thecavemos.co.uk

Lisa's Larder are competing in the farmshop/deli category -www.lisaslarder.com

Verveine are also up for an award in the best restaurant category - www.verveine.co.uk

The voting opens from midday today (Saturday 10th June) for one week.

To vote in The Muddy Stilettos Awards please click here. A great time to show our local businesses that we love them!

Ed's Note: Seems that the voting closed before lunchtime on Friday 16th June  (Today). No idea why the closed early!!


  1. Thank you so much David and to everyone who have supported us, one more push in the Final (voting starting lunchtime today) and who knows, we could be crowned Best Interiors Shop! Exciting. Clare xx

  2. Good luck to all our fellow finalists, let's put our little village firmly on the map with some winning trophies! :)
    Clare xx
    No64 Biscuit House


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