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05 June 2016

Patient Group for Milford Surgery

Our local doctors surgery is looking to engage closer with their patients through the Milford & Wistaria PPG (Patient Participation Group). 

The PPG is a group of patients who work in partnership with the surgery and who act as a 'critical friend', fostering the strong relationship which is essential to achieving high quality, responsive care. 

If this interests you, you have an opportunity to become involved as a member of the 'Virtual PPG' and influence the care that you receive. 

The PPG now need a much wider group of patients to give us their thoughts and views on a whole range of subjects. This would be done by email so no need to attend regular meetings. With just occasional contact, questions would be brief and to the point. Topics can vary from opening times, parking, and patients' priorities to the services that the surgery offers or could offer in the future. 

So why not add your name and email address to receive occasional group emails and take the opportunity to influence how the surgery is run? 

To join the 'Virtual PPG' please send an email to wistariamilfordppg@gmail.com

All information is of course confidential and secure. To ensure a balanced group the PPG would like to hear from younger members (i.e. middle aged and below!) 

Finally, there is a PPG Awareness Week 6th to 11th June, so look out for posters and information in the surgery and, to find out more or have a chat, please email your phone number and we'll get back to you. 

Please note: That the PPG is not a forum for individual complaints - there is a well-established NHS procedure for personal complaints at the Surgery. Members of the Virtual Group must be registered with the Milford or Wistaria Surgeries.

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