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12 May 2016

Save Our Post Office Update

Press Release from Save Our Post Office Team

The team endeavouring to find an alternative Post office for Milford on Sea has been able to find a few local interested potential retail investors to take on this role. However, the business model based on commission sales without a salary has not been seen to be an attractive proposition when they have looked at the projected sales data that has been provided by Post Office Limited. 

For the last few months a special committee has therefore been pursuing the alternative of a visiting ‘Pop-up’ Post Office in a community facility for a few days a week. However the Post Office Limited has not yet been able to find a nearby Post Office operation to take on this facility and we have been informed that there will likely be a gap between the closure of the existing Post Office and a visiting service in the community.

Dick Coe
Save Our Post Office Team

Editors Note: The Milford on Sea Post Office is due to close on Saturday 21st May, thanks go to Sue for all her years of providing a valuable service to the village. The shop will however continue to trade selling kitting materials, stationery, books, greeting cards, stamps and more.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps there needs to be a drive to encourage all businesses in MoS to contribute collectively to fund a location and running costs for a Post Office. This will help to keep the MoS residents shopping in MoS, since otherwise, they will go else where to find a Post Office and whilst there, to do their other shopping in that same locality at a total loss to MoS.


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