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15 May 2015

Nepal Update & Clothes Sale

The team from Freedom to Learn, the Milford on Sea based charity, have reported that it has been a tense week with a second earthquake in Nepal on Monday. 

After two weeks of fundraising, Joey left the UK last Friday with almost 300kg of donated tents and tarpaulin, with the aim of providing shelter for those who need it. 

She travelled to Kushadevi first, where they had a planning meeting in the remains of project manager SK's beautiful home and the SPACE base of Kavre. Joey said; "Spirits were up and the sense of community spirit is palpable.....there is a lot to do but everybody knows we can do it."

After a second earthquake and a major landslide, people were scared and buildings reduced further to rubble. Thankfully, there were no more fatalities in the Freedom to Learn areas. 

The team sadly couldn't join their friends up in Mendho as planned, due to tremors, but they did deliver 64 families with shelter and food - enough for the monsoon! Joey said; "They were wonderful to be with and they had a great time all shoved in the back of the truck and exploring the mountain road together, before the people headed up the mountain trail 2hrs to Mendho".

The Freedom to Learn Team will join them next week when hopefully the tremors have settled. The situation can then be assessed for re-building plans in the Autumn. Today's essential supplies would not have been possible without the immense support from so many people in Milford on Sea.

Follow more progress with Freedom to Learn on Facebook: click here.

If you wish to donate, please click here.


This Sat 16th May (tomorrow!): 

Second Hand Clothes Sale For Nepal 9.30am to 1pm at Aubrey Farm, Keyhaven

We have heard that there will be lots of great items many well-known brands and designers, something for everyone. 

Indeed, there are so many clothes that they are unable to be priced! Instead, people will be asked to pay what they think the clothes are worth and what the are happy to pay. There are labels on a lot of the clothes, but please ignore them!, but do remember all the money from the sale goes to the Freedom to Learn charity and will help the people in Nepal.

Freedom to Learn

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