What's On

Clubs, Classes & Sports




17 February 2015

Love All Around in Milford on Sea

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Across the village people are celebrating all that is great about Milford on Sea in Love Milford Week.

The Shopping Challenge has got off to an excellent start, and it is great to see the shop windows adorned with the special offers each shop is running for the week. A number of shopkeepers are already saying that business is better than normal for them - please keep it up all week, and they could all have a beaming smile by Saturday night!

It is also great to hear that so many people are preparing to entertain friends, family or neighbours on 'Dine In Friday' at the end of this week. (On this Friday funnily enough), This is a 'Do It Yourself' Event, simply invite someone and get together for something to eat on Friday evening. There is only one rule, that is that all of your meal ingredients and wine needs to be bought in the village.

Go on, give it a go, and then after Love Milford Week let us know what you did with some pictures and we will feature your night here in Milford on Sea News.

Clubs, Classes & Charities Morning
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Today there was a great buzz at the packed Clubs, Classes & Charity Morning. Over 60 tables greeted visitors and enjoyed explaining how people could get involved. The table holders also got to meet each other and the Community Centre Café till was ringing like a manic bell, so a good start all round.

This was followed by around seventy people gathering to see Carolyn Brown, (Radio 4 presenter and villager), launch Milford on Sea as a Dementia Friendly Village. Forty three village businesses and organisations, including the primary school, have completed the requirements to officially become 'Dementia Friendly'.  It was humbling
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to witness the wonderful local people who support the people struck with this unfair condition. It was also heart-warming to watch how they all responded and sang to the wonderfully played instruments. This was a real lump in the throat moment, and time for a 'but for the grace of god' thought. www.dementiamos.org

The History Night on Wednesday, and Film Night on Thursday are both already sold out.

From 3pm to 6pm on Thursday we have the 'Local Tradesmen & Professional Services Exhibition'. Sounds a bit of a mouthful, but it is simply a place to meet people that live in the village who provide local services for the home or individuals. There will be around 50 businesses to meet, and it would be great to have a good turn out to discover the village businesses that exist, and to meet the people whose services you may want to use at some time. We hope you will take the time to come along to support this first time event.

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It's also worth checking out our local village restaurants, café and pubs, many are running special events or deals for you to Dine Out. The Raft's 'Pancake Party Day' today certainly proved extremely popular.

Friday is Kids Day and there is so much going on at the Church Hall, Community Centre and Aubrey Farm. Click here to see the details.

The weekend then brings a mass of events; on Saturday the Art & Authors Show, the Gardening and Sustainability Show, and Sal's rock & Roll Show, then on Sunday; the Craft Market, Exotic Car Show and bringing the whole week to a close is an excellent show from top comedian Dominic Holland.

The Exotic Car Show has 63 fabulous cars registered to come, from a new Lamborghini to a 1909 Paterson - and every car coming is owned in the village. This event will be weather dependant, so let's hope for good weather on Sunday!

We have a feeling that something in this week of events will tickle your fancy! - If not, we have no idea how your fancy gets tickled.

The whole week is run by fabulous volunteers, they all work hard, so if you see them on your travels around Love Milford Week please give them a soothing stroke.

So there you have it, don’t miss a thing, grab a Love Milford Week programme from either of the village newsagents and get involved. (You can also visit: www.lovemilfordweek.org)

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