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04 January 2015

Missing Black Cat

Can you help find a missing loved cat?

Paul and Catherine are on holiday here in Milford for Christmas and New Years in 20 Windmill Close. Their cat, "Scrap", went missing on the evening of the 29th December. 

She was last seen heading into the garden of Windmill House, which is adjacent to the Close, but they don't think that she is in that garden any more. After 6 days she may have covered some distance. 

Paul and Catherine  have canvassed the neighbourhood with posters and fliers, but there have been no sightings. Think think that she is probably hiding in a small space somewhere, she is a small cat and can hide in a space as little as 3 inches high. 

Scrap is all black apart from a very small white patch on her tummy. She is missing the tip of her left ear and she was wearing a blue collar and a back harness. She has a chip so if she is found and scanned by a vet they will know who she belongs to. She is 4 years old and is a rescue cat from Oman, and she is very timid and easily spooked, and is afraid of strangers.

If you spot her please contact: Catherine Olesen - 07950 035 542 or Paul Simpson - 07590 553 560

Or ring either: Janette Frankland of the Lymington Cat Rescue on 01590 678 663 Or Sheila Perham on 01590 643 516.

Would be great if someone finds her.

1 comment:

  1. Scrap has been found!!!!!! Happy days!!!!!!!
    A massive thank you to all the kind and sympathetic people of Milford who have helped us in our 3 week search for Scrap. She couldn't have been lost in a nicer place - and we wouldn't have got her back without the lovely people of Milford.
    Thank you thank you thank you- from Paul and Catherine.


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