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26 August 2014

Babes in Business

Two local Milford on Sea women with small businesses have founded Babes in Business to provide group support, networking and development.  

Babes in Business is an informal, independent ladies networking group for those who live in and around the New Forest, who are running a part-time business alongside their ‘day job’. Your goal is for your part time business, to become your sole income!

The meetings are relaxed and friendly, and they are very welcoming towards first time visitors and guests. 

The Babes in Business ethos; is informal and informative. They aim to allow like-minded business women the chance to introduce themselves and their part time business, to the group. It is an opportunity to share contacts, local events, tips and experiences, lend each other any personal development books/cd’s, request a particular subject to be presented by a volunteer or guest or to bounce ideas and to generally provide a support network and have some fun along the way; it’s as simple as that!

Babes in Business also have a dedicated, closed group, Facebook page; where you can place ideas, tips, post your events and be updated about meetings.

There is no joining fee; all you have to do is complete a member request form. You will then be contacted to discuss your part-time business to ensure that there is no conflict within the group. We would ask for your commitment to meet up each month to ensure we maximise the group’s input and support.

Babes in Business meet on the first Tuesday of every month, between 8pm and 9.30pm at The Monkey House, Southampton Road, Lymington, SO41 9HA. 

If you would like to come along or speak to us, feel free to call Ellie Whitehall: 07712 484852 or Clare: 07778 209670.

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