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25 June 2014

Thrice No Entry

It appears that the Hampshire County Council Highways Department either have a glut of white road paint to use quickly, or they have been entered in a national 'Most road markings in a small area competition'.

click image to enlarge
This week 3 large 'No Entry' road markings have appeared within feet of each other in the centre of Milford on Sea High Street.

Now, the side road outside the Co-op makes it more than clear that one end is No Entry. Another No Entry marking sits on the right hand lane at the T-junction as you turn to go up Church Hill. 

Very thoughtfully, should any driver have missed either of the first No Entry markings, there is then another one within about ten yards, usefully reminding them they have gone the wrong way. 

I was unaware that this particular area of the village was an major accident black spot, and for some reason I was under the impression that driving the wrong way up any road was illegal anyway, unless up until now we had some weird bye-law that allowed it in Church Hill. 

click image to enlarge
What we now need to finish off the job are, 3 No Entry road signs to re-enforce the road markings, the nice round red metal discs should help bring some more colour to the heart of the village, it might also be nice to have some rather fetching blue One Way road signs outside the Co-op.

click image to enlarge
Good News: Our village finger post sign is back, fully renovated and looking resplendent. This time the Hampshire County Council Highways Department gets full marks for the renovation.


  1. Yet despite all the 'NO ENTRY' and 'KEEP LEFT' arrow signs, residents are still illegally driving up the wrong side of Church Hill to park in the parking bays! If drivers used a bit more common sense and knew their highway code, maybe we wouldn't need any signage!

    1. It's not commonsense it is just sheer bad manners; pushing in and getting aggressive just to park nearer the chippy shows the mentality of these people! Why the little island outside the co-op is used as a parking area defeats me totally. Bring back the parking warden now!!


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