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20 June 2014

New Kids Play and Stay Group

Plans are under way for a new Community Play and Stay Group for Milford on Sea, to replace the Seahorses Playgroup which closed last year.

However, to get it off the ground the organisers need some volunteers. Are you a parent of a pre-school child, a childminder, a grandparent or someone who would like to volunteer for a few hours to help out? 

The idea is to re-establish another playgroup for ages 0-5 years, in the village. There are a growing number of young families who would benefit, and local play and stay groups are a lifeline for parents to meet up and make new friends and a great opportunity for young children to learn to socialise together, be creative and let off steam!

The Community Centre will provide the hall free of charge on a Friday morning, and a lot of equipment has been donated by the Seahorses playgroup that used to run at the Centre. Seahorses was very popular, and people were very sad when it closed. To get a playgroup going again a group of committed people is needed to take on the organisation and get involved with the sessions. 

There will be a meeting at the cafe at the Community Centre on Tuesday 8th July at 8pm, with coffee from 7.30. Please come along and tell us what you would like the playgroup to be like, and think about whether there is anything you could do to help. All age groups are welcome. Small children love the grandparent generation! It might be putting out the play equipment, playing with the children, doing a craft activity, making cakes, snacks and drinks or greeting children and parents at the front door.

If you are interested in getting involved but can’t come on the 8th, please email: jenny.whitley@virgin.net of the Milford on Sea Community Advisory Panel.

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