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21 April 2014

MCV: April Newsletter

Birds, Butterflies and Wildflowers
by Keith Metcalfe

Just returned from a lovely spring walk on Studland Common and the Pleasure Grounds, which are full of bird song, butterflies and wild flowers.

The four Dexter cattle are munching away and look content with their new surrounding environment. Seeing the cow pats spread around much of the grounds, they are obviously managing to get into most nooks and crannies of the Common, which will be good for invertebrates and ground flora, but make sure that whilst you are looking up into the trees and sky for the many returning summer migrants, you don’t accidentally step where it is best not!!

There were four different butterfly species in the ½ hectare of scrub recently cleared; Brimstone, Peacock, Speckled Wood and Orange Tip.

The following summer migrants were also seen or heard; Whitethroat, Blackcap and Chiffchaff and resident Bullfinch (pr.) and Green Woodpecker whilst a single Black-tailed Godwit and two Mediterranean Gulls flew over.

Bluebells, Lady’s Smock, Common Dog-violet and Meadow Buttercup are just some of the many wild flowers coming into bloom, as is the cliff-top Thrift.

Now is a very good time to get out into Milford-on-Sea’s Nature Reserves to see the plethora of wildlife we are so lucky to have.

Call into one of the two Village Newsagents, Inger-lises or the Community Centre to pick up a copy of the Nature Reserve Walks Maps (cost £1) and plan your route through the Pleasure Grounds (woodlands) Studland Common (including the Meadow and the developing community Orchard) and Sturt Pond (reed-beds, saltmarsh and bird scrape).

Vandalism at The Bird Hide

We regret to say that rest of the school holidays, the Bird Hide is not open due to vandals once again destroying much of the facility. Birdwatchers and families can hire the Key (£20 returnable deposit) by telephoning 07771 918449.

To find out more about Milford Conservation Volunteers, please visit;

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