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03 August 2013

WI Scoop NF Show Awards

On Tuesday morning, despite the heavy rain, spirits were high as the spies from Milford on Sea WI entered the tent at the New Forest Show to view the results of Monday’s judging.
The Womens' Institute ladies were delighted to find their exhibits scattered with gold and silver stars.
1st on Produce Co-operative
'A packed lunch for a day’s walk in the New Forest'
Pat Brooks (Left) who made the fruit cake
and Suzie Watson
click image to enlarge.

The Produce Co-operative team found a red First on their exhibit 'A packed lunch for a day’s walk in the New Forest' and our accomplished artists gained a First and a Second in the Art category 'The Traveller'.
Art Exhibit 1st: Gillian Key
click image to enlarge
Gillian Key also won the accolade of 'Best in Show' in Craft. Margaret Gibson came second in the 'Italian Bread'. Mayve Larke second in the fresh flower exhibit 'Flight' and Eileen Maycock, out of 193 entries, came third in the Novice Class 'T-shaped jumpers for Zimbabwe'.
What a creative bunch!

'A packed lunch for a day’s walk in the New Forest'
click image to enlarge
3rd in the Jumpers: Eileen Maycock
click image to enlarge

Art Exhibit 1st: Gillian Key
2nd: Maureen Tate
click image to enlarge

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