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04 October 2012

Miflord Music Festival Needs a Friends Help

After a very wet 2012 festival this year, and despite good attendance, the volunteer committee have been left with a shortfall of some £4000.
It takes almost 12 months, close to £25,000, and a lot of hard work by the committee and volunteers to put on this spectacular 4 day event, which it totally village organised, and remains free to attend.
They have informed us that they desperately need help form the village if they are to make the Festival happen again next year. To ensure that the Festival can continue to be staged, they need to replenish reserves that are held to finance the event and are looking to raise funds in a variety of ways throughout the year.
One way in which you can help is by becoming a Friend of the Festival at an annual cost of £50, which in addition to providing regular and invaluable support to the event will entitle you to attend the Friends’ reception before the festival. As a registered charity such subscriptions allow the festival to reclaim tax under the Gift Aid scheme at no cost to you, provided that you are a taxpayer.
If you want more details or a Gift Aid form then please contact our Treasurer, Alan Boyce at ajbconsultancy@yahoo.co.uk . Alternatively, look out for the Music Fesival charity collection boxes which are vivid purple so they can't be missed and are placed all around the village in pubs, restaurants and most of the shops. (Thanks go to Tim Ball of Ampress Digital for printing the labels on the collection boxes.)
Please make a donation however large or small, as without your help they may not be able to continue.
Should you wish to become a 'Friend', help out during the run up and or over the Festival weekend then please contact Sean Reeves at sean@hwsolictors.com  
Let's hope ths shortfall can be met, and that we can all look forward fantastic Festival in 2013.

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