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14 September 2012

Housing Objections Continue

The issue of the proposed green belt new housing development near Milford on Sea Primary School continues to raise disagreement with New Forest District Council, from a group of local residents, supported by Milford on Sea Parish Council.

The NFDC now have to go back to public consultation again on this site and any further representations need to be made by Wednesday 19th September.

Residents have already made representations to a plan that consisted of up to 30 homes, playing fields, allotments and pick up / drop off point for the school.

We have been informed that the NFDC submitted a totally different plan to the Secretary of State.  The final plan consisted of only 20 houses but no playing fields, allotments and pick up / drop off point.  The Secretary of State’s Inspector has now made NFDC go back to public consultation on the submitted plan.

It appears that Representations can only be made on three areas.  These are:
1.   The ‘Soundness of the Plan in the context of the final version of the National Planning policy Framework (NPPF) (published in March 2012).

2.   The NFDC Proposed Changes Schedule – these are the changes that NFDC made to their original plan of 30 houses which became 20 and no playing fields included.

3.   The Errata List – this is of no significance.
If you would like to make a Representation:

Please contact Amy Cullen at amynaturally@hotmail.com, and she can provide you with a partially completed statutory (& as you may expect, tediously bureaucratic!) council form to submit before Wednesday 19th September.

Numerous representations were made earlier in the year which managed to get the Secretary of State Inspector's attention. It will be interesting to see if this continues now that a further round of consultation is in progress due to the NFDC reportedly submitting a plan different to the one they originally went to public consultation on. 

1 comment:

  1. I am sad that the situation at School Lane has reached the point it has about two years (or more) after I warned what would happen to the original proposal.

    As I forecast, no playing fields, no drop-off points, no open spaces,no football pitches ...just a building site with SOME affordable houses, though did I see recently that the Government is probably dropping that obligation for builders to try to stimulate private housing developments.

    Who can we trust to tell the truth among our politicians at all levels....such a shame.

    Now watch out for the applications for expansion of the potential development area...I forecast to Lymore and the caravan park in the next 10 years or sooner

    Best wishes

    Terry Langford


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