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18 May 2012

Care Group Drivers

Valerie Newell, chairman, of the Milford Community Care Group’s recently address a packed hall at the 31st Annual Open Day, in Milford’s Community Centre.

It was impressive to hear that The Care Group, (which transports local residents to their medical appointments at hospitals, surgeries, dentists, opticians etc,) carried out 1,712 journeys last year, totalling 28,669 miles -  or more than once round the globe!  The Group’s voluntary office coordinators made 5,375 telephone calls to arrange these journeys with the voluntary drivers who give up their time to help those who would be unable to make the journey on their own.

The Chairman paid tribute to drivers Nancy Reigen and Colin Bunce who died last year, and gave thanks to the drivers who had to leave the Group due to the age cut-off at eighty years. These were presented with gift vouchers for their support and dedication to the Group.

Also thanked for their tireless work and support were the office coordinators and committee members,  without which the Group would cease to function. The three members standing down from the committee - Julia Thomas, Joy Hockey and Barry Eldridge who between them had clocked up almost thirty years with the Group, were also presented with gift vouchers.

Finally, the Chairman thanked the Associate members for their very generous donations which form the main source of income for this registered charity.

Importantly a plea was made for: More Voluntary Drivers please. If you would like to join this group of worthy volunteers, please call: 0845 644 3628

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