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07 October 2011

Deauville Diary – Week One

The Gallic misadventures of a Milford village idiot abroad.

Week one of our emigration has passed with little trauma or dramatic incident. I suspect that has something to do with the fact that my wife has spent most of it sleeping and dribbling. At the same time I have been enchanting many a shop assistant with my version of their language. Indeed I now look so French that on Tuesday a driver pulled over to ask me directions, as a local I of course immediately gave him the help he needed, but for some reason he seemed a lot more confused as he drove off.

Yesterday we ventured out to a local bistro (That’s French for Café) imagine my relief when I said to my wife; “What would you like my petit pois?” and she lovingly replied; “moules et frites vous grande porc.” Phew, I had been having cold sweat that she might choose the ‘sole meuniere’ on the menu at £46, yes, forty six of your English pounds! Reckon I could get two for that price at Verveine. At lunch today we nearly made the mistake for ordering ‘bulot mayonnaise’, luckily I recognised the waiter’s mime identifying ‘sea snails’ before my English wife placed her order. What would she do without me? It looks like eating out is going to be an adventure in itself, that’s if we can continue to afford it!


1 comment:

  1. Very entertaining reading! Enjoy!
    Avril MOS


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