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11 December 2010

Ravenhurst Planning Update

The planning Inspector rejected the appeal from the developers (Penny Farthing) of the unoccupied NHS site at Ravenhurst (next to the White House on seafront) last week. However, the ‘Protecting Milford's Heritage’ group consider that this has been a hollow victory, because apparently even before the Public Inquiry had ended, Penny Farthing had already lodged a new application with the NFDC to change the planning use to Residential.

Several local residents have again objected to the new application, including our local Parish Council who support the view that the site be restored to its original Greenfield status. The revised application is going before the Planning Committee on Wednesday 8th December (9am: Lyndhurst Council offices). We have been advised that the officers report of the NFDC says the application should be granted despite local objection, and also says the developer could then further amend the plans and application without having to seek any further approvals or consultation! It is also reported to say that only 5 local people have objected. However, the ‘Protecting Milford's Heritage’ advised us that there are 8 letters of objection or expressing concern on the website, and some neighbours have stated their letters sent some weeks ago have not yet been registered on the website, so presumably not counted. Desmond Swayne. our local MP has also asked questions on the groups behalf.

Due to the short notice, it is unlikely that  many cannot attend the planning meeting, but anyone who wishes to support the ‘Protecting Milford's Heritage’ group and add their voice they can attend the Planning committee and object, or email members of the planning Committee, Chief Executive of NFDC and copy the Parish Council to quickly register their protest. 

If you need the e-mail addresses we have a list provided bu PMH available on request.

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