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17 September 2010

Snobbiest Town in the UK!

Throughout the BBC news bulletins last Tuesday there was a feature story about Lymington. This was not just on the local news, but the story was apparently important enough to warrant national coverage. So, what major national story had taken place? Had an international drugs ring been busted on the Isle of Wight ferry? Nope. Had the pope refused to visit Lymington town centre because it has a Pound Shop? Hmm, nope. Was it because an 80 year old lady had skateboarded from the top to the bottom of the High Street naked? Err, nope. Actually, it was because a Wetherspoons pub had been refused planning permission to open in the old C.Ford & Co shop at the top of the town centre! A real national crisis of course needed to be reported thoroughly. So, Graham Satchell from the BBC carried out in depth interviews with unsuspecting locals passing by, then the producers decided to select the most fun ones to air on the TV. Amusingly it seems the whole purpose of the TV news bulletins was to declare Lymington the ‘Snootiest Town in Britain’.

If only they had found the time to come across to Milford on Sea, we could then have had a great time winding ‘dear old Graham’ up. I know I could pick some interviewee’s for him in the village that would make great TV. Not sure what ‘national title’ we would win, but it would be good to find out. Come on Wetherspoons, apply to get a pub in our village.

If you missed this great bit of crucial journalism you can watch it on this link:

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