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Monday 10 October 2022

Part of Milford on Sea Beachfront for Sale

A prime 120m x 22m of the Milford on Sea beachfront roughly seawards from The Beach House Hotel is up for sale for £1.25m in cryptocurrency.

click image to enlarge
The land has an approximate 380m perimeter and area of 2680sqm, with a topography consisting of a sloping sand, gravel and cliff face overlooking the sea.

Property consultants West London City Lets has launched a sub-agency Tokenized Properties to facilitate the sale of a the plot of land using a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) for the transaction. 

It is understood that this would be the first land sale with this type of transaction in UK history.

If you are unclear exactly how cryptocurrency, blockchains and NFT's work there is no point asking me. I have tried, but I simply do not understand how they work! They are however a growing method of trading for those that embrace the crypto concept.

You can find out more about the Milford on Sea land sale by clicking here to visit the sellers website.

PS: If you do buy the land, please explain NFT property sales to me!


  1. Is this a joke, because it makes no sense whatsoever?

  2. The property is not for sale. A digital synonym of the area is all the buyer gets, this is long number =an NFT. In theory this can be traded , sometimes for profit, sometimes for a loss. I guess it depends what is the value of snake oil

  3. Richard Ludlow Fisher14 October 2022 at 16:06

    Seems a very high price with dubious currency to boot for a bit of beach and clifftop which though idyllic for about a fortnight annually would never achieve planning permission for anything meaningful and which is constantly subject to erosion as well


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