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17 June 2021

First Aid Course for Children & more

We have read that some children's First Aid Workshops and Courses are being planned to run during the summer holidays.

The organisers are looking to find out how many children would like to take part.

If you have a child aged 5 to 11 years and would like to be considered for a place, please email: admin@twolinetraining.com and quote: 'Super-medic Milford'.

The predicted cost is £15 per child for a 3 hour session. (This may go down but won't be more).

Other First Aid Courses: Should demand be sufficient, consideration is also being given to holding Adult, Paediatric or Parent Courses from birth upwards. If any of these would be of interest to you, please email: admin@twolinetraining.com to state your interest.


  1. Think 3 hour session is too much for a child, two one and a half sessions would be more suitable.

  2. The sessions are broken down into different elements and follow the national guidelines for children. Please contact Two Line Training for details.


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