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08 April 2020

Enjoy Cycling Safely

It is nice that so many people are getting out for their daily exercise.

It has been mentioned to us that a few cyclists seem to be riding quite fast around the village, of course, they may or may not live here.

As we have a number of elderly people in the village, it would be nice if cyclists would ring their bells to warn people they are coming, as some people's hearing is not what it used to be and they can be startled and even frightened by a fast bike bearing down on them.

Bikes are also very quiet, and there is a risk that if a pedestrian just moved suddenly one step to the side, then the cyclist could crash into them. The strong wind often deadens any sound from an approaching bike.

People are doing a great job looking after each other, please lets also think about others whilst out exercising.

Ta, and keeping peddling, running, walking or whatever you can manage to do - with social distancing of course!

1 comment:

  1. I take daily exercise on my bike and being in my late 70's this has been enjoyable when the weather is good. I have done so for 18 years and enjoyed cycling along the sea front at a leisurely pace. I was therefore somewhat upset this morning to recieved abuse from a dog walker for doing so. It is difficult times for goodness sake let us all live and let live.


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