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08 August 2016

Yellow Line Frustration

Local resident, Rob Askin has felt provoked to write in order to highlight what he considers a ridiculous waste of public money on double yellow lines where they are not necessary, and ignoring the real points of need. 

Rob explains: “I have been trying to get double yellow lines at the eastern end of Whitby Road for some time, due to the parking on both sides of the road of cars associated with St. Georges. I have been advised that there is not a road safety issue that would justify this, despite several near misses of both myself and my neighbours exiting our drives.

I have now learnt that the local council are proposing to impose additional parking restrictions in De La Warr Road, a quiet road with hardly any traffic, due to road safety issues. This follows the painting of double yellow lines half way up Church Hill at the gated entrance to 4 houses, where there is patently no parking space to be protected. Similarly when Victoria Road, a wide, quiet road, was recently re-surfaced parking restriction yellow lines were immediately re-painted despite there again being no real justification or need.”

If you would like to express your point of view, please post a comment by clicking the 'comment/no comment' link at the foot of this article.


  1. Remember Councils like Govt want to raise as much tax as possible so safety isnt the prime motivator - but using their car parks is ...

  2. Totally agree Rob. Whitby Road needs parking restrictions urgently. The carpark at the end of the road on the cliff-top should be utilised by local employers at reduced rates during the week for their employees. It's about time the council listened to the people they serve.

  3. We live close to Whitby road and I have to agree it is totally unfair to the residents of Whitby road, cars and vans all over the place, it's already a rat run to avoid the village centre.
    I have a solution which I reckon would be a quick fix.
    St Georges do a deal with the parish council to take some car park space ,using one of the cliff top car parks,the one I mean is the one closest to the beach house,for most of the year it is underused.
    They can walk to work only a few hundred yards I suspect.
    How do they get planning permission for an extension without allowing for car parking for staff?
    The section of road near the section where it meets Kivernell road is becoming a death trap as it is so narrow.
    I personally have been nearly run over by the "red racing Ford KA'S "owned by St Georges.

  4. We live close to Whitby road and I have to agree it is totally unfair to the residents of Whitby road, cars and vans all over the place, it's already a rat run to avoid the village centre.
    I have a solution which I reckon would be a quick fix.
    St Georges do a deal with the parish council to take some car park space ,using one of the cliff top car parks,the one I mean is the one closest to the beach house,for most of the year it is underused.
    They can walk to work only a few hundred yards I suspect.
    How do they get planning permission for an extension without allowing for car parking for staff?
    The section of road near the section where it meets Kivernell road is becoming a death trap as it is so narrow.
    I personally have been nearly run over by the "red racing Ford KA'S "owned by St Georges.


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