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19 December 2015

Manners Maketh Man

I am of course a bit old to be going to school, and having spent most of my school days in detention, bunking off or getting the cane, it was with some trepidation that I accepted an invitation to go to meet with Matthew Hill, the headmaster at our village primary school. 

The last time I was summoned by a headmaster my palms throbbed for a week.

Anyway, I arrived. I was a little late, as my wife had forced me to change from the grey short trousers and school jumper I had spent over 30 minutes squeezing in to.

I was taken through to the reception area to await my meeting to discuss Food Week with Mr Hill and Rachel Lewis of the PFA. (Note: What the kids are going to do for Food Week is awesome, and will be excitedly revealed in due course.)

click image to enlarge
In the reception area I was immediately drawn to a poster on the wall which raised my spirits and gave me a satisfied glow.

Our village children are being taught manners!
(Please click image to see the poster)

Doesn't it make you feel good that our teachers see manners as a priority in the building blocks to becoming a good adult.

In a world that moves so fast, and changes all the time, it is heart-warming to know that that some real human values are not being lost, and indeed, they are being embraced at our village school.

After our meeting, Matthew (I couldn't help but call him 'Sir'), took me on a school tour. I say school, but it is in fact a Tardis.

From the outside the school looks like a quaint Victorian village schoolhouse, but once inside the vista opens up into a modern teaching environment with impressive facilities and lots of bright and airy classrooms.

As we passed the main hall the entire school were practising their songs for a Christmas performance to the parents. Seeing and hearing happy children singing is one of life's simple and pure delights.

The school is currently nurturing 380 pupils, which shows that we have lots of young families in the village. (Who said you have to be retired to live in Milford on Sea!)

As we crossed the Pre-School playground a sign on the wall drew my attention. Yet again there was list of values to provide any child with a great way to live their life. (Please click image to see the sign)

In the primary school grounds there was more to discover, like the vegetable beds where the children were growing, amongst other more ordinary things, sea kale and asparagus. Both of which they intend to sell to village restaurants/shops, not only raise funds, but also to give the kids experience of small business.

There is also a full size swimming pool, and fenced off 'secret place' with a pond, den making, and camp fire where the children cook, play & learn in the summer.

The recently installed and impressive 'Eco Pod' is equipped with microscopes where the kids can examine insects that they gather from the pond.

To complete the tour we went to see the chickens, which the children look after, and collect eggs from on a daily basis.

It is clear that our school is quietly creating a generation of people to be proud of in our plain sight.

Total respect goes to Matthew and all of his team of teachers, administrators and other helpers - It is impressive that things like manners are valued so highly as it will give all of the children a great start in life.

Milford on Sea Primary School

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