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23 November 2012

Salterns Raise £10k

Over 100 young sailors survive the Salterns Sail a Thon raising over £10,000 for Children In Need!
The intrepid young members aged from 6 – 15 years of age, kept at least one boat on the water at all times between 16h30 Friday 16th and 16h30 Saturday 17th November. Most did not sleep, sailed in cold, dark, windy conditions but they kept focused on the job in hand – raising money for far less fortunate children than themselves.
The Saturday morning saw sailors and visitors alike covered with wild water tattoos, red, white, blue, yellow and green hair complemented by some funky nails!
The raffle and silent auction raised in excess of £5,500 so a big thank you to all those who took part, baked cakes, gave your time and of course all our amazing sponsors. Without you all, the event would not have been possible. Over the last 14 years Salterns have raised over £92,000.
Salterns Sailing Club is a sailing club for children, where they can experience sailing in Optimists, Moths and Scows. The club is run entirely by volunteers.

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