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02 September 2011

All Total Voice Need is Love

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Total Voice, our very own Milford on Sea village choir are holding a very special charity concert on the 15th October.  The concert will be a celebration of songs about love and friendship with performances from the adult and children's choirs as well as solos and smaller groups. 

The concert is being held to raise money towards parental rooms at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Princess Anne Hospital, Southampton.  Choir leader Christine Mulgrew said "The charity we are supporting is very close to my heart as the Neonatal Unit took care of my little boy Archie who was born in February this year.  Archie was in the unit for just a few days before coming home with us but the care we received was outstanding and I really wanted to do something to say thank you.  I also know there are other families within the choir whose children or grandchildren have been taken care of by the Neonatal Unit at Princess Anne Hospital so it means a lot to us.  Do come along and support us, as ever we promise a night of great songs and performances packed with fun and enthusiasm.”

The Princess Anne Hospital provides specialist care to around 600 sick term and pre term (premature) new born babies a year from Southampton, Bournemouth, Poole, Chichester, Dorchester, Basingstoke, Isle of Wight, Salisbury, Winchester and the Channel Islands - with such a wide-spread 'catchment' many parents do not have the option to go home.  The Neonatal Unit has already raised £75,000 towards a new suite of parental rooms, Christine aims to bring them even closer to their £100,000 target.

Christine is also looking for sponsors, raffle prizes and donations.  Perhaps you have a Beach Hut and would be willing to offer a week’s use for a raffle prize?  Maybe you could take someone out on your boat?  Ideally she would like some unusual raffle prizes that people would really, really want, as well as the delicious meals from our lovely local restaurants!  So if you fancy getting involve please drop her an e-mail.

Total Voice are also performing a concert for the RNLI on Sat 24th September in the Community Centre.

Tickets are now on sale at Gwen’s in the High Street and buying one will give you a great night out, whilst doing good for those less fortunate.


If you are able to help with any of the above please contact Christine Mulgrew on 07824 388263, or email: info@totalvoice.co.uk  |  www.totalvoice.co.uk

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