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23 July 2024

Bring Your Dogs to join in a Royal Dog Hunt at Hurst Castle

Hurst Castle is hosting its very own take on the famous children’s book ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ by running a ‘We’re going on a 'Royal Dog Hunt’ this summer, where visitors need to find Henry VIII’s naughty dogs, who had a habit of running away along with other Royal dogs.

The ‘hunt’ will run throughout the holidays until Sunday 1st September 2024. Visitors are encouraged to bring their own dogs to enjoy the dog hunt and all furry visitors will be given a treat once they complete it.

As part of the hunt, visitors will also be given the challenge to find out the name of Charles I’s dog, who it is believed spent time with him at Hurst Castle before his execution.

Jason Crane, owner of Hurst Marine who manages Hurst Castle on behalf of English Heritage said: “Who doesn’t love dogs so this activity is going to be hugely popular this summer. Families are going to love finding out fun facts about royal dogs, while also doing this with their own furry friend.”

There is also a host of other activities happening at Hurst Castle this summer, including Tudor Tuesdays, where visitors can enjoy Tudor themed activities; Wildlife Wednesdays, giving information on wildlife found on Hurst Spit and Fun Fridays, including dressing up, outdoor toys and face painting.

To see more Summer Fun & Lighthouse Tours at Hurst Castle, please click here.

All activities are included in the normal admission price. Hurst Castle is open seven- days-a-week from 10.30am – 5.30pm. Visitors can get to Hurst Castle by ferry leaving Keyhaven every 20-30 minutes (ferry charges apply).

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