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17 March 2021

Village enters the Greening Campaign

In 2020 the Parish Council voted to Declare a Climate Emergency. Hampshire County Council has done the same. Our County Council is also promoting the Greening Campaign.

On Feb 2nd this year Councillor Ken Cameron proposed that Milford on Sea Parish Council should adopt phase 1 of the Greening Campaign. This was carried. This is seen by our Parish Council as a significant opportunity for our Community to take action against Climate Change.

This campaign has been taken up by a number of towns and villages in England following an initiative by Teresa Plowright. Milford on Sea will be the first village in NFDC to add its voice to the campaign.

This Campaign is designed to involve the whole of the village community and its object is to seek to persuade as many people as possible to make small changes in their behaviour at home and so reduce the CO2 emissions of the village.

Following an information campaign to inform the village about the campaign, everyone will be invited to vote on their preferred challenges out of suggested measures to reduce the emission of CO2 for the village.

Subsequently each household will receive a card setting out the result of the vote and listing the preferred challenges. There will also be a public meeting to launch the campaign.

Each household which adopts the challenges will be requested to place the card in their window in a conspicuous place where they can be seen and following a period of time these cards will be collected to calculate the effect of the challenges accepted on the carbon emissions for the community as a whole.

Greening Campaign

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