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09 January 2021

New Priest-in-Charge for All Saints'

The PCC and Churchwardens of All Saints’ Milford and St Mary’s Everton are delighted to announce the appointment of a new Priest-in-Charge for Milford and Everton. The Reverend Natasha Anderson, or Tasha, has accepted the invitation to lead our churches with effect from March 2021. 

Background Information 

Tasha comes to Milford from the Arle Valley Benefice which consists of 4 churches near Alresford. Before commencing ordination training at Wycliffe Hall, Tasha worked for Christ Church, Winchester overseeing the children's and families' ministry which involved a team of up to 125 volunteers. Prior to this, she worked for Peter Symonds College, Winchester as an adult education and family learning department manager and childcare foundation degree lecturer. Her previous experience has also included being a Pre-School Supervisor. So she comes with broad experience in the educational field as well as experience in both the traditional and evangelical streams of the Church of England. Tasha has two children in their twenties. 

Milford Parish has been without a vicar since July 2019, when Reverend Dominic Furness retired. The Parish has remained exceptionally active during Covid with one or other of the churches being available for private prayer whenever permitted, a pastoral care team which is always on standby to help those in need, and a telephone support network manned by some 60 volunteers to provide telephone support to the lonely. In addition, a popular online service has been released every week since April 2020. To find out more please click here.

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