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Christmas Dining in Milford on Sea

10 February 2015

Meet our Love Milford Friends

We want to say thank you to everyone who has become a Love Milford Friend so far: Inger-Lise's Coffee Shop | Michael & Geraldine Penney | Lionel & Heather Allery | Michael and Alison Jennings | Yvette & Mike Frost | Paul & Jackie Garton | Nick and all the team at Polly's Pantry | Christopher Beeton | Paul & The Team at Hollands of Milford | The Village Voice | Jon & Stacey at The Cave | Roy & Wyn Culligan | The Village News | The Carter Family | Mary & John Cox | Milford Tennis & Squash Club - (Click to see all Friends)

Thanks to support and donations like this we are able to create the events for Love Milford Week. As this community event is run solely by volunteers it is always great to have some extra support to make the whole event the best it can be.

Becoming a Friend of Love Milford Week as an individual, family or business is easy, -
simply donate your £25 payment (or more if you like!) as below, and then send an e-mail to david@milfordonsea.org, saying you have sent your £25, and tell us what name/s you would like to appear on our 'Friends of Love Milford' page. 

You can donate by either:

1. BANK TRANSFER - Please use reference 'LM Friend'
Bank: HSBC Lymington
Beneficiary: MoS Food Week
Sort Code: 40-33-43
Account Number: 00006017
Reference: LM Friend

2. CHEQUE: Make payable to: Food Week - and send to: Colin Holdsworth, Beach Cottage, 3 Hurst Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0PY

It's your support that makes everything happen, and thanks to everyone who becomes a friend.

*Receipts available on request.

*Please Note: We use the Food Week Bank Account as Love Milford Week is a sister community event run by the same volunteer organisers.

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