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24 July 2019

Research into Keyhaven Salt Marshes

James Kerr is a master's student, studying at the University of Portsmouth. He is currently working on his dissertation research project which is looking at the value of ecosystem services provided by Salt marshes, particularly the Keyhaven salt marshes as they have interest to him personally, in terms of future management with regards to sea level rise and erosion. 

Previous studies have looked at monetary values but these ecosystems provide much more benefits to society such as, recreational value, mental health value, physical values and the unseen benefits such as carbon capture and storage. Due to sea level rise and salt marsh erosion, there will slowly be a loss of salt marsh which brings difficulty with future flood defence, conservation conflicts, habitat loss compensation and long term funding of sea defence. 

James is collecting data from visitors to Keyhaven through a questionnaire, researching the value and knowledge of salt marsh ecosystems services. This will hopefully reveal the different user groups knowledge of issues with the salt marshes, awareness of the benefits and the most valued services which could potentially benefit future management decisions. 

Making Milford more Magical this Christmas

Christmas Decoration Survey results are in!

Tracy Haupt and Diana Brushwood would like to thank all those who recently completed their Christmas Decoration Survey. Lots of positive feedback has been received and below, is a summary of the main responses. Thanks must also go to a large group of people who have very kindly supplied contact details to help Tracy and Diana where they can. 

Interestingly, a large proportion of responses suggested having more than one tree on the village green. People talked about having a Christmas tree ‘forest’, where different organisations would be provided with a small tree and then asked to decorate it in their own way. Inviting local groups such as the Scouts, Brownies, Guides, Beavers, Pre-School and Primary School kids to plan and then decorate their own tree, would be such a great community project. Smaller trees might also help with the problem of severe wind gusts on the green. 

Tree & Village Decorations
It’s clear from the responses, that people firmly support the ‘natural’ theme suggested and for this to continue throughout the village centre. Many referred to the use of non-plastic and biodegradable decorations, which is understandable. 

There was a strong request for more lights on the main tree and if possible, sparkly lights and/or sparkly decorations in order to create an impact as you enter the village centre. Again, many people supported children being involved in making some of the decorations.

Village traders/businesses
An overwhelming response identified the desire for more of our local businesses to decorate their premises. Suggestions included each business decorating windows to a common theme, lighting their windows and having coordinated lights on the small Christmas trees above the premises. People also suggested that garlands could be used around shop windows and doors and natural wreaths on shop doorways. 

These responses will be presented to The Parish Council at their next meeting in September, to agree a suitable way forward. Following this, detailed planning will take place.

In order to know just how much can be done this year, Tracy and Diana do need to raise some funds from the community. A collection box will be sited in the Parish Office from the beginning of August, therefore please stop by and make a cash donation. Other fundraising ideas are being considered and ideas would be welcomed. 

Let’s all get behind this project and together, and make “Milford more Magical” this year!

For more information, more ideas or to volunteer to help please contact:
Tracy Haupt - tracyhaupt01@aol.com
Diana Brushwood - dianabrushwood@gmail.com

Winners at Milford Flower & Produce Show

The Milford Flower & Produce Show again enjoyed excellent quality exhibits in all classes. 

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Children from local groups and school produced a wonderful variety of sunflower paintings and decorated flower pots, Hilary Sullivan was once again successful in the vegetable and fruit sections, and Carol Dickman exhibited some beautiful roses. 

It was especially pleasing to award James Butterworth the cup for best entry from a newcomer - he has taken up gardening whilst undergoing medical treatment, finding it enjoyable, therapeutic and satisfying. A great story to end the day.

The full list of cup winners:- 
  • Challenge, Weatherhead, Jim Asher and Polson Cups - Hilary Sullivan 
  • Margaret King, Dorothy Nightingale Cups and Fairbairn Rose Plate - Carol Dickman 
  • Joanne Weatherhead Cup - John Welsh 
  • Liz Jones Cup - James Butterworth 
  • Presidents Cup- Maggie Welsh 
  • Lucey Bowl - Carole Barnett 
  • Molly Miller Cup - Alison Abrams 
  • Danby Cup - Jean Robinson 
  • Hatchard Bowl - Carole Seeds 
  • Paterson Produce Cup - Patricia Sullivan 
  • Helen Cookson Cup - Milford Pre-School 
  • John Pither Cup - Christine Calder 
  • George Dowland Cup - Lexie Saunders 
  • The Photography Frame - Christine Twyford

23 July 2019

Interested in playing the violin?

Timothy Warren, a local professional instrumental music Consultant is hoping to start a new Adult beginner Violin Group called; ‘Fun On The Fiddle’. 

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Timothy is aiming to run the classes on Friday mornings in the Community Centre and is looking for anyone who might be interested in learning to play the violin. 

For more information please contact Timothy on: 07733085290 or timothy_warren@ymail.com

18 July 2019

Magical Music Festival

Thousands of people enjoyed live music and glorious sunshine as the village hosted the annual Milford on Sea Music Festival last week. 

Now in its 19th year the hugely popular event featured everything from from orchestras, choirs, rock groups and jazz bands to poetry recitals and Morris Dancing. 

This year’s theme was inspired by the 50th anniversary of the Flower Power movement and the first moon landing, with an increased focus on environmental measures such as re-useable cups and water refills. 

Festival committee chair Nova Milesko said: “We had an absolutely fantastic festival and the weather was just incredible – we could not have asked for more. After a year of hard work, it is so wonderful to see the whole event come together with so many people enjoying the music. 

“There was just an incredible community feel to the festival, and I would just like to thank all the volunteers, stall holders and Friends of the Festival for doing their bit to make it all possible.” 

“The profits from the bar and programme sales help to cover the cost of this free village event so I would also like to thank all those who supported the bar, purchased raffle tickets or bought a programme.” 

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Thursday’s main stage acts included Milford-born singer-songwriter Carley Varley, folk-inspired musicians Plaitford Common, local band Shrinking Wrinkles and Bournemouth-based eight-piece The Blue Tides. 

Friday’s main-stage headliner act was REM tribute band REMbrant, which performed hits like Losing My Religion, Man On The Moon, Everybody Hurts, Shiny Happy People and What’s The Frequency, Kenneth?. 

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Saturday’s highlights included a set from the Sarah Harrison Band, music from six-piece psychedelic pop rock band The Rising, and a showcase by 17-year old Emma Hardy accompanied by her band The Cowboy Outfit. 

Traditionally regarded as World Music Day, Sunday’s main stage programme began with a multi-denominational church service at 11am. The music then continued with sets from six-piece Celtic fusion band Melo Daemons, followed by psychedelic indie disco band Yeti Bianco. Afternoon performances included Mischa and His Merry Men, and Midnight Alliance. 

All Saints Church also hosted a programme of poetry, live music, choral performances, acapella groups and barber shop quartets throughout the day on Sunday. Highlights included a multi-media moon landing during a performance by the New Forest Orchestra and a grand finale by Milford own Total Voice Choir which was greeted with a standing ovation. 

Nova added: “We are always looking for friends of the festival and volunteers who can come forward to help fund and run next year’s event.” 

The festival team is also running a competition for the best photographs of the weekend. To enter upload pictures to Instagram with #milfordfestival. 

For more information about volunteering opportunities at next year’s event, please visit :www.milfordfestival.com or email: hello@milfordfestival.com

17 July 2019

Milford Art Group celebrates 46 years

Milford Art Group was formed in 1973 for local artists to get together and share their knowledge and expertise. The Group has been going now for 46 years and continues to have their annual exhibition in Milford Church Hall at the end of July. 

This year the Exhibition starts on Saturday 27th July at 10am until 10th August and is open daily from 10am to 5.30 pm except on Sundays when it opens at 11am. The Exhibition closes at 4pm on Saturday 10th August 2019. 

Their charity, again this year, is the Explorer Scouts who help us with the clearing of the hall for the Exhibition and again at the end of the Exhibition. Donations given for refreshments go to the Scouts too. Entry to the Exhibition and parking is free. 

The Group meets on the 1st Thursday of each month in Milford Church Hall, Church Hill, Milford on Sea, at 2.15pm where the members enjoy various demonstrations given by well known Artists. The demonstrations cover all painting media, Watercolour, Acrylics, Pastel and Oil. They have a large screen television and video camera which can zoom in to the demonstrator’s work, giving the audience a better appreciation of the demonstration. A microphone is also used so that everyone can enjoy the occasion. Visitors are all very welcome for a small fee.

13 July 2019

Memories of Cornwallis Remembered Events

Hundreds of villagers and invited dignitaries enjoyed the Cornwallis Remembered celebrations on the village green and in surrounding locations on Friday 5th July. 2019.

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Many of the events have been recorded in pictures by Paul French of Southpoint Films and you can experience or re-live the event by Clicking Here to see Full Album

Christopher Beeton (Senior village resident)
& Post Chaise
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A video of the Church service is to follow.

All  published images taken by: Paul French of Southpoint Films 
paul@southpointfilms.com - www.southpointfilms.com - 0800 009 6982


Illustration by Shaun Stevens
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Illustration by
Shaun Stevens
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The Admirals’ Trail  
As a lasting resource, a heritage trail from Hurst Castle through Milford and surrounding towns and villages on to Bucklers Hard and Calshot Castle.

Copies of the free leaflet are available from Milford on Sea newsagents, Hurst Castle shop or the Parish Council office.

Illustration by Shaun Stevens
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Illustration by Shaun Stevens
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Background Information 

Milford-on-Sea Historical Record Society and The 1805 Club (which was founded in 1990 to preserve and care for the memorials and graves of those associated with the sailing navy of the Georgian era) are holding a number of important events in July 2019 to commemorate the 200th Anniversary of the Death of Admiral Cornwallis (who had lived at Newlands Manor, Milford on Sea). 

A Brief Background: The 5th July 2019 marks the bi-centenary of the death of Admiral the Hon Sir William Cornwallis, one of England’s most renowned admirals. He settled in Milford in 1800 shortly before being appointed Commander in Chief of the Channel Fleet in 1801 and from 1803-1806. It was during this period that Napoleon planned, and came close to executing, an invasion of England. Cornwallis displayed courage, perseverance, determination and leadership through his blockade of the French fleet at Brest and other ports which frustrated Napoleon’s plans to invade England. This action, in the face of major logistical and strategic difficulties and through two winters of unusually severe weather even for the seas off the coasts of Brittany, secured his reputation as one of the greatest admirals of the Royal Navy, respected by his fellow officers, loved by his men, and revered by Nelson. The achievement of preventing a major invasion stands alongside the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 and the Battle of Britain in 1940 in the annals of this country. 

Admiral Cornwallis etching
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Admiral Cornwallis, Captain Whitby & Nelson: Admiral Cornwallis acquired the Newlands estate in Milford by lease in 1800 and later purchased the property. He was a close friend of Lord Nelson, a life-long bachelor and formed a great friendship with John Whitby who was his Flag Captain and whom he regarded as a son. After the Battle of Trafalgar and the death of Lord Nelson, it was naval Captain Whitby who broke the news to Nelson’s mistress, Lady Hamilton. 

Cornwallis’ Grave and The Three Admirals: In recent years the location of Cornwallis’ grave in the churchyard of All Saints, Milford has been unknown. Cornwallis asked to be buried in an unmarked grave next to his good friend Captain John Whitby. This request was adhered to by Mrs Whitby, but her daughter, Mrs Theresa West, erected a very fine monument in the church, the old gravestone was abandoned, and all memory of it was lost. 

Admiral Cornwallis etching
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In 2014 Cornwallis’ grave was discovered but was in poor repair. The Whitby/Cornwallis ledger was conserved to prevent any further deterioration. It was decided to renovate the ledger together with the memorial in the church to a second naval officer who served with distinction in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, Rear Admiral John Peyton has been restored. A third senior naval officer and friend of Cornwallis, Admiral Robert Man, is also buried at All Saints, Milford. 

The Cornwallis Remembered celebrations chairman was 
Christopher Hobby and event organised by: 

For further information please contact: David Long at: david@milfordonsea.org

09 July 2019

Discover the The Arts Society in MoS

The Arts Society Milford on Sea hold lively, unmissable monthly lectures by internationally recognised experts.

Be transported away from the chaos of everyday life – to the beauty of fine paintings; the glory of architecture; the unique engineering and craftsmanship of motor cars or the genius of composers.

The 40 minute lectures, given by world class professionals, embrace every Art Form and the life stories behind the most gifted men and women who inspired them.

You can join this group of lovely like-minded people for only £46 a year.

New members are assured of a warm welcome and new friendships. 

The Arts Society Milford on Sea

2019 Programme below:

All Saints Church Hall, Greenbanks Close, Milford on Sea, Hampshire SO41 0SQ

Start time:
10.40am with coffee from 10am

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Milford on Sea will soon have its very own minibus!

The Milford On Sea Charitable Trust is aiming to introduce a community minibus in the near future for the benefit of residents of Milford and the surrounding area including Everton, Keyhaven, Downton and Lymore. 

Many local organisations are signing up to using the bus. But the trust need everyone’s help, young and old, to plan what the minibus is used for - and the team will need help to get the project up and running and to support its operation.

Come to the Community Centre at 10 o’clock on Saturday July 20th to find out all about it - and enjoy the free morning coffee!

If you can’t come to the meeting but would like to get involved or find out more about the project please contact the Project Coordinator: Ivan Chandler on ivan@ivanchandler.com

Milford on Sea Charitable Trust is a registered charity.

08 July 2019

The Red Lion becomes The Lazy Lion

The Red Lion in Milford on Sea High Street has undergone a major face lift and been renamed as The Lazy Lion.

The original Red Lion
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New landlord Ian Robertson, comes with a successful pedigree having breathed new life into the Monkey House at Lymington.

The Lazy Lion will offer home cooked traditional pub meals and seasonal specials.

They also offer accommodation with three bedrooms and there are plans to soon add an outside decking area.

The Advertiser and Times provides more information following an interview with Ian, which you can read by clicking here.

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The Red Lion
32 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD
01590 641111

Happy birthday to The Bay Trees

As they look forward to another summer season commencing, Mark and Sarah Clayson are celebrating eight years owning and running the Bay Trees B&B, one of the best place to stay in Milford on Sea village.

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The Bay Trees is a beautifully restored 17th Century Grade II Listed house and has formerly been a Poor House, a Bank, a Drapers Shop, a Tea Shop and a Restaurant. It is now an award-winning 5* luxury B&B.

Sarah says “It does not seem possible that we have been offering hospitality to Milford’s visitors for eight years. We have had a really enjoyable time and met many interesting people.”

Mark and Sarah are looking forward to welcoming guests and taking more bookings this summer from anyone wishing to come for an enjoyable and relaxing stay.

An interesting feature on their website is 'The history of The Bay Trees', which you can read by clicking here.

To find out more about The Bay Trees and see pictures of the rooms and gardens please visit their website: www.baytreebedandbreakfast.co.uk

The Bay Trees
8 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD
01590 642186

07 July 2019

Objections to development of The White House car park

It has been reported that Bayview Developments want to build homes in what was the car park of The White Horse in Milford on Sea.

Objections have been made by The Parish Council and residents of Glebe Close, where the access road is proposed.

Chris Yandle of The Daily Echo tell more, click here to read his article.

02 July 2019

Cornwallis Remembered Celebrations: This Friday!

Come and join the Cornwallis Remembered Celebrations this Friday afternoon on the village green.

Village Green Celebration & Post-Chaise: The two horse post-chaise will journey from All Saints' Church to the village green on Friday 5th July 2019 around 3pm until 5pm where there will be a variety of themed entertainment, live music, Royal Navy and Trafalgar Way stands and refreshments provided by local village groups including the Primary School and Royal Navy Catering.

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Background Information 

Milford-on-Sea Historical Record Society and The 1805 Club (which was founded in 1990 to preserve and care for the memorials and graves of those associated with the sailing navy of the Georgian era) are holding a number of important events in July 2019 to commemorate the 200th Anniversary of the Death of Admiral Cornwallis (who had lived at Newlands Manor, Milford on Sea). 

A Brief Background: The 5th July 2019 marks the bi-centenary of the death of Admiral the Hon Sir William Cornwallis, one of England’s most renowned admirals. He settled in Milford in 1800 shortly before being appointed Commander in Chief of the Channel Fleet in 1801 and from 1803-1806. It was during this period that Napoleon planned, and came close to executing, an invasion of England. Cornwallis displayed courage, perseverance, determination and leadership through his blockade of the French fleet at Brest and other ports which frustrated Napoleon’s plans to invade England. This action, in the face of major logistical and strategic difficulties and through two winters of unusually severe weather even for the seas off the coasts of Brittany, secured his reputation as one of the greatest admirals of the Royal Navy, respected by his fellow officers, loved by his men, and revered by Nelson. The achievement of preventing a major invasion stands alongside the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 and the Battle of Britain in 1940 in the annals of this country. 

Admiral Cornwallis etching
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Admiral Cornwallis, Captain Whitby & Nelson: Admiral Cornwallis acquired the Newlands estate in Milford by lease in 1800 and later purchased the property. He was a close friend of Lord Nelson, a life-long bachelor and formed a great friendship with John Whitby who was his Flag Captain and whom he regarded as a son. After the Battle of Trafalgar and the death of Lord Nelson, it was naval Captain Whitby who broke the news to Nelson’s mistress, Lady Hamilton. 

Cornwallis’ Grave and The Three Admirals: In recent years the location of Cornwallis’ grave in the churchyard of All Saints, Milford has been unknown. Cornwallis asked to be buried in an unmarked grave next to his good friend Captain John Whitby. This request was adhered to by Mrs Whitby, but her daughter, Mrs Theresa West, erected a very fine monument in the church, the old gravestone was abandoned, and all memory of it was lost. 

Admiral Cornwallis etching
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In 2014 Cornwallis’ grave was discovered but was in poor repair. The Whitby/Cornwallis ledger was conserved to prevent any further deterioration. It was decided to renovate the ledger together with the memorial in the church to a second naval officer who served with distinction in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, Rear Admiral John Peyton has been restored. A third senior naval officer and friend of Cornwallis, Admiral Robert Man, is also buried at All Saints, Milford. 

Commemorative Events: July 2019

A series of events have been planned by Milford-on-Sea Historical Record Society and The 1805 Club with the active support of the New Forest National Park Authority and St Barbe Museum and Art Gallery. Support has also been received from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Hampshire Archive Trust, the Hampshire Field Club, local authorities and other local history societies. 

Church Service, Memorial & Stained-Glass Window: A church service will be held on Friday 5th July 2019 conducted by the Bishop of Basingstoke, and senior representatives from Hampshire, the Royal Navy and naval historical research will be attending. The Cornwallis grave and memorial will be rededicated and a new stained-glass window commemorating all three admirals will be blessed. 

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News of Trafalgar by Post-Chaise: The two horse post-chaise with riders in full costume will visit the village school and then proceed to the church service which will be followed by a recreation of the arrival of the news of Nelson’s death and victory at Trafalgar by post-chaise. 

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Village Green Celebration & Post-Chaise: The two horse post-chaise will then move to the village green on Friday 5th July 2019 around 3pm until 5pm where there will be a variety of themed entertainment, live music, Royal Navy and Trafalgar Way stands and refreshments provided by local village groups including the Primary School and Royal Navy Catering. 

Commemorative Dinner: A Commemorative Dinner will be held on Saturday 6th July 2019 in the Cornwallis Suite of South Lawn Hotel, Milford (once the property of Admiral Cornwallis) with a leading naval historian as the guest speaker. 

Command of the Seas! Exhibition: A twelve-week exhibition entitled, “Command of the Seas! The Navy and the New Forest against Napoleon”, will run at St Barbe Museum and Art Gallery, Lymington from the 8th June until the end of August. Also, Milford-on-Sea Historical Record Society has published a commemorative Bicentenary Edition of its Occasional Magazine with articles on Cornwallis, Man and Peyton.

Royal Navy Vessel in Lymington Port: A Royal Navy training boat of the P2000 Archer Class will be in Lymington port on the 5th July. (Subject to operational duties)  

Illustration by Shaun Stevens
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Illustration by
Shaun Stevens
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The Admirals’ Trail & 
School Workshops: Further outreach activities for the community include, as a lasting resource, a heritage trail from Hurst Castle through Milford and surrounding towns and villages on to Bucklers Hard and Calshot Castle. This is being prepared in conjunction with other parishes and local history societies. In addition, The 1805 Club will be running its Wooden World educational workshops at Milford-on-Sea Primary School in July. 

Illustration by Shaun Stevens
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Illustration by Shaun Stevens
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Enjoy the celebrations! 

For further information please contact: David Long at: david@milfordonsea.org

01 July 2019

Get Involved with Valuable Village Services

Can you spare some drive time for Milford Community Care Group?

This valuable local service run by village volunteers are looking for drivers to take local people to their medical appointments. A few hours would be greatly appreciated. 

Please call 01590 642177 if you can help.


The Milford on Sea Minibus Project
Open Meeting
organised by The Milford on sea Charitable Trust

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Cornwallis Remembered: Visit of Royal Navy Patrol Ship to Lymington

Lymington port will be playing host to the Royal Navy on 5th July when Royal Navy Patrol ship, HMS Trumpeter, visits. The visit co-incides with a series of events and activities planned by local organisations as part of a Cornwallis Remembered commemoration.
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HMS Trumpeter is a P2000 Archer Class patrol ship. These small vessels are ideally crafted to navigate the shallow waters of ports like Lymington. They are used in various roles including maritime protection, but HMS Trumpeter is one of fourteen which are attached to universities around the United Kingdom to train Royal Navy officers of the future.

Whilst in port, her commanding officer, Lieutenant David Vail RN, will be attending a service at All Saints Church, Milford-on-Sea commemorating three admirals buried at Milford who made significant contributions to the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte over two hundred years ago. The service will be held on 5th July, the bi-centenary of the death of the most famous of these, Admiral Sir William Cornwallis, and will include the unveiling of a new stained-glass window dedicated to all three admirals.

Barry Jolly, a Trustee of Milford-on-Sea Historical Record Society which has led the programme, comments, “We are delighted to have had the enthusiastic support of the Royal Navy along with so many other organisations during the three years of planning that has gone into the Cornwallis Remembered programme. We have engaged in important research which has been published in national journals and underpins both the exhibition - Command of the Seas: The Navy and the New Forest Against Napoleon – running through the summer at St Barbe Museum and Art Gallery and a new admirals heritage trail from Milford across to Bucklers Hard.”


Cornwallis Remembered Weekend: 

Friday 5th July 2019: includes a family friendly celebration on Milford on Sea village green and much more. Keep the date free!

25 June 2019

Courtyard Garden opens at Ray's Italian

The new courtyard garden is opening at Ray’s Italian Kitchen this Friday (28th June) for pizzas and small plates. No pre-booking required, so every reason to give it a go!

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To book a table in the restaurant please call 01590 645300
or email: info@raysitaliankitchen.co.uk

Ray’s Italian Kitchen
11 High Street 
Milford on Sea 
SO41 0QF

Cornwallis Remembered: The Admiral's Heritage Trail

As part of the Cornwallis Remembered celebrations and to create an ongoing legacy, The Admiral's Heritage Trail has been launched.

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The trail takes you through a map to visit many local interesting places of historical importance to the Georgian Navy.

Copies of The Admiral's Heritage Trail are free and available from the newsagent shops in Milford on Sea as well as the Parish Council offices.

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Cornwallis Remembered Weekend: 

Friday 5th July 2019: includes a family friendly celebration on Milford on Sea village green and much more. Keep the date free!

Discover Wynford - The Eco-Friendly House

Local residents, Chris & Sue Sanders of Wynford, Barnes Lane, Milford on Sea are opening the doors of their environmentally friendly and ultra modern eco house as part of the Big Green Weekend on 29th to 30th June 2019.

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Wynford is a four bedroom, three storey detached house built in 2011, constructed of ICF (insulating concrete formwork), with further insulation that makes this property very thermally efficient. EPC rating is A 93. A 4000L tank captures rainwater which is used to flush toilets and supply the washing machine. Solar photovoltaics, solar thermal, a woodburning stove and air source heat pump provide space heating, hot water and electricity. To maintain the high thermal efficiency and air tightness of the building a whole house ventilation system is used to provide fresh air. 

The “Big Green Weekend” Event, which is being run by the New Forest National Park Authority, aims to reduce carbon emissions in the area. People can visit a number of customised properties throughout the Big Green Weekend.

There will be a chance to find out about a range of energy saving measures, including solar panels, efficient lighting, wood burning stoves and rainwater harvesting.

Entry to all the houses is free and no booking is required, with home-owners on hand to answer any questions on the pros and cons of their property’s environmentally friendly features.

Milford participants, Sue and Chris will be happy to talk about their experience with energy conservation measures including Air Sourced Heat Pump, solar thermal panels, photo-voltaic panels, rainwater harvesting and energy efficient design.

To see a map of all the properties and find out opening times and the details of each one, please click here.

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Bowls Club Needles Trophy Pairs Winners

Milford on Sea Bowls Club annual Needles Trophy club competition was played on Friday. With 20 teams of players taking part in a great day of competitive bowls.

John Kitcher, Ann Noris, (winners)
with Martin Scott. 
The long day ending with an exciting final played between the teams of John Kitcher & Ann Norris and David & Sheila Hall.

John & Ann were the eventual winners after a closely fought match and were presented with The Needles Trophy by Martin Scott of Hayward Fox who kindly sponsor this event.

Sheila and David Hall (runnersup)with Martin Scott.